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WhatsApp and Italian Divorce

According to a report from the Italian Association of Matrimonial Lawyers, 40% of Italian divorce cases due to adultery are citing WhatsApp messages as evidence. For those unfamiliar with WhatsApp, it’s essentially a messaging tool available on Android and iPhone devices. Instead of using text messaging technology, it transmits messages over 3G/Wi-Fi, thereby bypassing text message limits or charges. Furthermore, it allows for the transfer of picture or media messages without the costs imposed by phone networks. These attributes have led WhatsApp to become extremely popular all around the world, with some 500 million active users and more than 700 million photos and 100 million videos shared each day. Facebook acquired the company in February 2014 for $19 billion.

The “return of the Latin lover”

Speaking to The Times, President of the Italian Association of Matrimonial Lawyers, Gian Ettore Gassani, said “Social media has boosted betrayal in Italy by making it easier, first through texting, then Facebook, and now WhatsApp, which is being used widely and has encouraged the return of the Latin lover … Lovers can now exchange risqué photos of themselves, and we have seen adulterers using the service to maintain three or four relationships - it's like dynamite.” But whether messaging services such as WhatsApp actually lead to more people cheating on their partners, or simply make it easier to get caught in the act, is a question which is perhaps worthy of further research.

Introduction of the Blue Tick

Until recently, you could only tell if your WhatsApp message had been successfully sent and delivered to a contact. A single grey tick indicated that the message had been sent and two grey ticks meant it was delivered to their phone. But a software update has now introduced functionality which shows you when the recipient has actually read the message; the grey ticks turn blue. Some say this new blue tick could simply add more evidence to be used in divorce cases. The message of Gian Ettore Gassani to adulterers is “'Be prudent', since if it makes betrayal easier, WhatsApp also makes it easier to be caught," adding that "Spouses often become suspicious when they hear the beep of an incoming message."

Helping you through your divorce

Whether your divorce has come about as a result of adultery or another reason, the professional team of divorce lawyers at Crisp & Co can advise you on the best way forward in your particular situation and guide you through all the legal hurdles. Get in touch for a confidential chat.