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Brooke Shields reveals details of divorce from Andre Agassi

Hollywood actress Brooke Shields has opened up about her divorce from tennis superstar Andre Agassi, saying it wouldn't have gone so swimmingly had children been involved.

The pair married in 1997 but ended up splitting in 1999 after less than two years apart.

Talking on the 'Today' show, 48-year-old Shields revealed that her ex-husband spoke to her after their divorce had been finalised.

Cited by, she said: "I am divorced. And mine was fairly quick and relatively easy, but it's a very interesting thing because he did say to me, 'Be happy that we don't have children or I would not have made this easy for you.'"

Had this been the case, both Shields and Agassi would have needed to hire family lawyers to help argue their respective cases for full or part-time custody of their children.

With Shields hinting that her ex-partner would have been looking for a specific set of demands, an amicable split would have looked unlikely.

That, according to the actress and now TV show host, is why "I'm not there anymore." 

Yet despite Shields hinting at a degree of animosity between the pair, says that a joint statement from the couple issued shortly after their split was confirmed said they continued to have "the utmost love and respect for one another."